Health & Wellness Covid-19 Policy

At Kinetic Wellness Center our main concern is the health and wellness of our clients, ourselves, and our community!  In order to reduce the spread of Covid 19 and to keep everyone healthy we have implemented the following practices based on CDC guidelines.  We thank everyone for working together to keep our community healthy!

  1. When you arrive for your appointment please phone or text your practitioner to meet you at the door.
  2. We will have a questionnaire for you to fill out regarding any possibility that you may have symptoms suggestive of Covid 19 or you may have been exposed to the Coronavirus.

Our Responsible & Respectful Practitioners Will….

  1. We ask all practitioners and clients to wear a face covering or face mask unless medical conditions prevent the use of one.
  2. We follow hand washing/sanitizing protocols and you will be asked to sanitize or wash your hands upon arrival to the clinic.
  3. Practitioners who provide manual therapy will wear gloves.
  4. All equipment will be sanitized prior to and after your visit.

Thank you! We look forward to being with you soon.

Again we thank you for working with us to keep our center and community healthy!  We all look forward to returning to living our lives without the fair of Covid 19, however, we realize we all have to work together to keep each other healthy.  Please phone your practitioner with any questions regarding our policies.

With gratitude,

from the Kinetic Wellness Practitioner! Be Well!