Chiropractic Services

Working Together Freeing Your Body From Pain

 Office: 207-370-4624


Dr. Meaghan Brown, D.C., L.Ac

Chiropractic, kst method

What is KST? It is a specific chiropractic technique. In late 2003, as a result of research and clinical experimentation, Tedd Koren developed a form of chiropractic spinal care that he now calls Koren Specific Technique. Patients can be more thoroughly analyzed than ever before, with the adjustments holding better and for longer periods of time.

consultation and What to expect

·         Initial consults are typically longer than an average session that last between 45m-1.5 hours.

·         Regular sessions range from 15m-1hr depending on the treatment you are receiving

·         New patients will receive their paperwork in their email and is encouraged to fill it out well before the appointment time so that Dr. Meaghan can review before you arrive

·         Please try to drink an adequate amount of water before coming in for your appointment

·         You will want to dress comfortably or bring shorts with you to allow ease of access for specific needles or soft tissue techniques

·         After a treatment you can expect to feel relaxed and experience less pain or discomfort. You will want to drink more water after to help facilitate the healing process.