

Kinetic Wellness

We work with you to address changes that need to be made; whether it is postural rehabilitation to relieve your headaches or an exercise to perform daily to help restore lost range of motion in a joint, we strive to empower you to take charge of your health.

Working Together Freeing Your Body From Pain

Dr. Meaghan Brown

Working Together Freeing Your Body From Pain

We work with you to address changes that need to be made; whether it is postural rehabilitation to relieve your headaches or an exercise to perform daily to help restore lost range of motion in a joint, we strive to empower you to take charge of your health.

Dr. Meaghan Brown

Serving the Greater Bangor Brewer Region

Kinetic Wellness           

465 South Main St Brewer, ME  04412 

Office: 207-370-4624    

Fax: 207-573-4313

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